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Today is a joyous day. The vibrations of much of your nation have been lifted in the past week, and now you are all beginning to feel better than you did all September. As the new moon approaches all negative energies are decreasing and the energy grid of your planet is healing. As the energy grid heals, as the ley lines become strong again, so can the planet itself heal. The scientists that have found that the ozone is poised to begin increasing again are just the beginning. New studies and discoveries will emerge over the coming year that will further bring new light and hope to your planet. All will be well. All IS well! How can you benefit from this healing energy? Align yourselves with your local ley lines.
Image from "Magic, the Gathering" |
Find your places of power. Sit in these places, and allow your own energy gridwork to benefit and be healed. Breathe in the energy, see it as a healing electric blue light, see it healing the gridwork of your being, the cellular makeup of your body, your organs, your breathe, your mind and soul. Feel your self infused and blessed with the energies of Source mind, Source love, Source be-ing. You are blessed!
Blessings, Eden