Thursday, October 6, 2011

This Blog is MOVING!

We've moved Eden's blog over to the main website, The site has a whole new look,, integrated blog, and lots of new features. Check it out and ENJOY!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

How can we break through to the life we are wanting?

You are not who you were. Life has changed. You have grown. Let go of who you think you are. Stop believing your story. For you are both less and more than what you believe. Loosen the hold of your beliefs upon your self. It is time to be just be. 

Don’t do the same thing every day. Avoid routine for a while. Try to do something new at least every other day. Even it’s something small and trivial, do something new. We want you to open your mind and state of being. New things will help you to break away from your mind, and then you will able to break away from your current state of be-ing. 
Push less for what you are wanting, and you will receive more. If you can do this, you will see that your interactions with the world, with people, will be much easier. Your relationships will be more true. Your life will flow more smoothly. Everything will be less of an effort, and more of a joyful experience.
You have a joyful life waiting for you. It is being held in escrow for you right now, and it’s there, we promise it is. All you need to do is open your hand to receive. You must open your hands and let go, or you can’t catch it. You must let go of your ego, of who you think you are, who you think you need to be, and stop searching for things to make you happy. Things won’t make you happy. Love will. Life will. Your heart will. Forget who you think you have been, who you think you have become. Just be you. 
It is time to let your higher self IN to your life, so that you can become a fully integrated being. Only then can you truly do what you have wanted. Only then can you truly be happy. Only THEN can you truly move to a higher plane of being. It is the next step in your evolution, and it is crucial.
If you can’t do it for yourself, do it for the people around you. Become a beacon of light to those around you, not through your accomplishments or beauty or possessions, but through your full integration and high vibrational frequency. That is the only real way to shift the world. That’s the best way your family can benefit from you. SHINE. Just shine. 
You have much work to do. Work of spirit. Work of the soul. Work that is not work in itself, but for so many of you it is hard because you have spent so much time convincing yourself of the value and enjoyment of toil and being serious. You have spent so much time believing that you should save the world and everyone you meet, when in fact the only way to actually do that is to just shine, and shine, and shine. The only way to bring others to your cause, to attract light and uplift others is for you to also be light. White light is ALL light, all colors, even the dark. Do not exclude, do not pick and choose. Do not get attached. Just be free, be wild, be joy-ful and living will come more easily.
Even if you can’t do this, life will go on. You will persist. But we would so like for you to do more than persist, more than exist. We would like to see you transform. We would like you to be as the sun, a source of light and pure joy so bright that anything in your vicinity can not help but grow and transform as well. This is the ability and the charge of all humanity. Be who you really are. BE-gin.
You are blessed.
We are one, we are love, we are light, and we are with you.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

You are your destiny. A Channeled Message for September 2011

Sweetnesses, you are light, you are love you are all we are part of everything that you need to be and know and become today and forever. We want you to know that there is no where you can be that is not part of your destiny or part of your being that is right. You are always right. Never wrong, never inappropriate. Be in the moment, be clear and pure. Be exactly who you are wanting to be. 


You all ask this all the time, you cry and we here you wondering how you can be who you want when there are so many obstacles to overcome and so many things in your life that aren’t perfect. What you refuse to see is that this is why you came here. You came here to become – not to already be. You came here to grow, not to arrive perfectly groomed and made. You are are needing to just be in the moment, be in the moment be in the moment and do every little thing that makes your heart beat just a little bit faster, that makes your skin glow just a little bit brighter, that makes your smile just a little bit wider. We want you to be joyous. We want you to be full of YOU, so full of YOU that there is no room for anything else in your heart, nothing to make you doubt or fear or wonder or hesitate. Just be you. Just be love.

You are blessed.
You are now.
You are here.
We are with you.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Earth was Rumbling, Tumbling

Several of you have asked the question: Yesterday there was an earthquake in Virginia that was felt up and down the coast of the East of the US. This is so unusual. What does it mean?

Let us start with the obvious. The world is not ending. You are not all going to die. It is not the rapture, or armageddon, or whatever you like to call it. But yes, changes are coming, you are in the middle of a massive shift in consciousness, a global evolution of spirit that is shifting your very DNA and the world around you.

The Earth is excited! She is glad that you are finally catching up with the shift she began preparing a thousand years ago. The earthquakes in the US were important reminders to your country that their is no one that is immune to these changes. Things cannot stay the way they are. You must shift. You must awaken.

How to embrace this shift? Open your hearts. Be ready for all blessings. Take nothing, no one for granted. Be aware of your effects of your interactions on others, and on the world around you.


You are blessed, Eden

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

On Vacation!

We're on vacation this month -- any orders or emails that are sent will not be read or shipped until AFTER August 25th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Europe -- here we come!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Channeled Message for July 2011, from Eden

Hello World!

Are you fully tuned in to your surroundings? Are you paying attention? If you are, you should be feeling rather well. There are signs and good vibrations everywhere these days, most days. If you are not tuned in,  or if you are focusing on old fear-based patterning, than you will not be feeling so well. The radiation that was released over your world has been transmuted and released, and geopathic interferences are currently at a minimum, as Mother Earth and her Angels are working hard to benefit the physical realms. Now it is your turn. Are you working hard to benefit the physical realm? Are you striving to benefit and improve your surroundings? Do not confuse this idea with a message to do good deeds and services. This is a message to be a t your best, at your most positive, at your most ardently PRESENT, so that those around you can benefit from your good energy. The better you are feeling, the better the world becomes.

Be at peace. Do what brings you joy. Be in love. Be a love. Be joy-fully, present in the world and spread that light!

You are blessed.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Why does our dog lick himself so much at night? Channeled Advice from Eden

Dear Eden,

My dog licks and licks at the end of the evening when we go to bed, and again when he wakes up in the morning. My spouse and I find it very disruptive to the restful atmosphere we prefer for our sleeping and waking. What on earth is he doing? He doesn't do this the rest of the day, and he doesn't have any fleas or allergies (that we know of).

Thanks and blessings,

Dear sweetness,

Your dog licks at these times of day to clear his auric energy body. He is clearing it at the end of the day so that he can better journey and travel and disconnect from his physical body while he is sleeping. He does the same thing at the end of the day, but to root himself in the physical. If you pay more attention you will see that in the evening he licks all over his body, all the parts he can reach, whereas in the morning he primarily licks his root chakra areas, which are most effectively grounding. If this bothers you an your spouse, you might talk with the dog and ask him to complete his rituals outside of the bedroom, so a bit earlier in the evening and a bit later in the morning. Also, you might take some lessons from your dog, and do a bit of “auric brushing” yourselves!

You are most fortunate and blessed,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Energetic Attachments in Loving Relationships

Dear Eden,
Why is it so hard for me to give my lover space so we can work through some issues? I miss him terribly.
Thank you, P.

Dear One,

Aside from the issues you are both working on, there is another element of your relationship that you must address, which is the energetic attachment you are experiencing. During this time of separation you must learn to gather your energy from within your self, by connecting to Source and the Earth on which you live. Both through grounding exercises and through extending the reaches of your aura you can connect to these energies and better fuel your soul and body.

As a child, as most humans, you were taught to disconnect from your natural energy sources and to rely upon your parents and other love/care-givers for energy fulfillment. As you grew, you transferred this energy drawing to your peers, particularly those to who you felt a strong love bond. This is not unique nor should you feel bad about this – it is merely the way it has been with Humans for thousands of years, and part of what human evolution is ultimately striving to correct. So now you are addicted to your lover's energies. They have been removed from you and you feel tired and upset. If you use this time to focus on gathering more energy from the sources we have spoken of, you will feel much better and be able to process your own evolution more swiftly and efficiently. Be in nature. Sit in meditation. Balance your chakras, expand your aura. Connect to ALL that IS.

You are whole. You are blessed. We love you.


Friday, June 3, 2011

A Channeled Message for June, 2011, from Eden

A message for the time:

Do not gather up the fear. Do not carry fear with you in your arms, or on your backs. Do not bear tidings of fear to your family or friends. Do not partake in the meals of fear which your media likes to serve up. Do not share the fear. Do not fertilize it with imaginings or with your energies.

Sow the love. Sew the love. Piece it together from the little patches of perfection in your life. Be thankful for what is wondrous, be appreciative and talkative about your blessings and the blessings of others. Water your seeds of love with conversations of hope and thanks. Watch the love grow throughout your life and your town and your world.

The love is spreading. Do not allow fear of storms, of finances, of loss or loneliness keep you awake at night. The world is infinitely better off than it has been for thousands of years, since before the time in which you histories are remembered. Yes, it has been even better before – but we promise you it will be again. Read fiction. Meditate. Dwell on all the possibilities, for it is in your minds that the new world is born. It is in your dreams and imaginings that new energy sources are created, that new societies are built, that families begin and love dwells.

Love the life you are leading. If it is difficult for you now, find just one little corner of your existence which you can be happy in, and nourish that corner until it becomes an entire wall, and then a foundation, and then a room, and a house, and a world and someday soon you will find that your entire life has become better than you can ever have dreamed of. Do not dwell upon the hows or the whys or the whats. Just love. Be as joyous as you can. Find the moments in your day and expand them.

You ARE love. You are loved. You ARE blessings, and so you are blessed.

Be well.