Friday, December 31, 2010

A Channeled Message for 2011 from Eden, Joseph and Christ Consciousness.

Welcome, welcome, welcome! We are so excited to have you with us today. We have gathered our own energies together to better serve you all in this message for your coming year. There is so much that will be happening, so much that you will be able to DO. Everything is aligning in such a way, throughout the year, that the smallest intention to achieve will be answered almost immediately by an opportunity to put that intention into action and achievement. You can do anything you dream of, more so from this day forth than on any day before in your human history.
Do not be afraid. Do not be nervous. Do not fear omens or mistakes or misdeeds. All positive thought will be rewarded with positive potentialialty for manifestation, and all action incurred towards positive manifestation will be rewarded with achievement. Even the smallest signs must be heeded. Do not hesitate. Do not wonder if you are doing the right thing. DO NOT FEAR. Every action taken with joy and feelings of well-being, with truth and honor in your heart, will result in a better state of BE-ing in your reality. Every one. Every time. We promise that to you.
Those that are in tune with their emotional guidance system, with their higher selves or with god-source-divine-light, will have an easier time with this. They will see and feel and intuit what they need to do, and what they do not need to do, and they will not worry so much over every detail. Are you one of those who does not have clear access to your own guidance? We would suggest that before you go to sleep at night you ask for guidance, you ask to be shown paths without fear or entanglement, and that you may become attuned during this time to your higher self so that you may receive better, clearer guidance during your waking moments. Yes, it can be so easy. We promise you that your life IS meant to be that easy.
So many of you have been quietly waiting for your world to improve, for your leaders to catch up with the new generations and be ready to enact a more peaceful  worldview. To treat the world and all her inhabitants with greater grace and love. Well, we tell you that it is time. Your leaders are ready to hear you now. The world is ready to hear you. It is time to speak up, to stop “waiting on the world to change” as that singer John Mayer would say, and to start telling the world to change. Speak up, stop hiding your truth, stop hiding your light. Stop filtering your words for half of the world. Share your truth with everyone. You will be surprised to hear how many people around you have also been hiding their light-filled words, their truths. And when the truth is out, when you all have shared and spoken up and out, then the your world is going to shift with unimaginable speed to incorporate the changes that mass consciousness is truly yearning for.
This month of January will see a huge amount of light entering in the very first week, and again at the new moon of every month after. These will be the times to get clear on what you want, write it down, release it to the winds and let your life flow with ease and gentleness. We are all here helping you: all of source and creation is urging you to succeed, we are all sending love and joy your way, and we are all accessible to each of you for guidance and aid. Reach out, and let your light shine. You will not be disappointed!
You are blessed. You are loved. BE at peace, and be at one with all, for we are all one.
Eden, Joseph, and the Consciousness of ALL that IS Christos.

Friday, December 10, 2010

A channeled message for December 2010: Shifting, Processing, Your Physical Body and Feeling Well

Right now your bodies are all shifting tremendously. The physical vehicles which your soul pieces inhabit are processing all the muck and goof your physical reality, and releasing each little bit at a time. This is manifesting all around you as little colds, big colds, physical discomfort, brain fog and overall discomfort. Why now? Because you are moving on, up and out! The earth that you are on is not the one which your other pieces will incarnate on soon. Everything is changing. The earth is changing. Your bodies are changing. Time space reality is changing. Why is this so? Because YOU have willed it. It is time for a change. The reality you are living is not working well any more, you are surrounded by pollution and too many people, too much crowding and fighting and too few resources. So you are all helping your world to shift, through your wanting and your needing, through your creative energies which are the same as the one who created you, and you are all creating a NEW earth. But each virus, each cold, each little warped cell and gene in your body is the result of an energetic distortion from your old or current reality, and cannot be allowed to come with you to the new. So you must transmute these energies, you must “read” them and process them, and release them, and so you are all experiencing dead cell throw-offs, head aches and head colds as these things are brought up and out into your consciousness and then released. All will be well. The only things you can do to process these things in a more comfortable way is help your body’s physical elimination processes (drink more water, eat healthy unprocessed foods, pollute yourself less) and be happy. Yes, you heard us: do things that bring you joy, for when you are joy-FULL  your body and soul function at a higher, more efficient level. You are very , very blessed. We promise it is so. You are at the pinnacle of humanity right now, and reaching ever higher. Your higher selves are so happy with you all! Do not sweat the small stuff: do not fret over the wars and politics and little human things. Just be happy, do good, be well. Be of joy, light and love. That is all.

You are blessed.