Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Channeled Message for July 2011, from Eden

Hello World!

Are you fully tuned in to your surroundings? Are you paying attention? If you are, you should be feeling rather well. There are signs and good vibrations everywhere these days, most days. If you are not tuned in,  or if you are focusing on old fear-based patterning, than you will not be feeling so well. The radiation that was released over your world has been transmuted and released, and geopathic interferences are currently at a minimum, as Mother Earth and her Angels are working hard to benefit the physical realms. Now it is your turn. Are you working hard to benefit the physical realm? Are you striving to benefit and improve your surroundings? Do not confuse this idea with a message to do good deeds and services. This is a message to be a t your best, at your most positive, at your most ardently PRESENT, so that those around you can benefit from your good energy. The better you are feeling, the better the world becomes.

Be at peace. Do what brings you joy. Be in love. Be a love. Be joy-fully, present in the world and spread that light!

You are blessed.