Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can I Change Soul Groups?

Dear Eden,

I have connected with many people in my soul group during this lifetime, and they all have positive aspects but they are also all very difficult to get along with as a group. I find them energetically draining lately. I feel like I am no longer vibrationally aligned with their energy -- can I change soul groups? And can I do it now, or must I wait until I "die"?

Love and light,

Dear One,

Yes, your higher self has also determined that it is ready to move into another group that it is more vibrationally aligned with now. While you are incarnated, it is not usual for your soul group to change, as your higher self, or the remainder of your soul, acts as your anchor in the non-physical and if it is to shift too much you can become disengaged and confused. So the actual shift will take place when you "die". However, there is no requirement that you stay bonded with the other incarnations from your soul group in this lifetime. You are connected to a myriad of like-minded soul groups in this lifetime other than your prime one – this is what we call “overlapping” soul groups, where one or more individuals from each group resonate with each other and like to meet in lifetimes, but are not in the same primary group. (For more about overlapping soul groups, see the archives at www.edenisnow.com) There are many, many groups that you connect with. You will not feel entirely connected to everyone in an overlapping group, but that is not necessary or even expected.

Please know that your current group is very harmonious energetically, and gets very along well in the non-physical even though none of them get along here on Earth. That is OK. You do not need to keep them together. Groups do not need to connect throughout entire lifetimes or stay together all the time -- meetings between group members merely serve as energetic reminders, or tuneups, if you will. These encounters can help keep one on track energetically.

So yes, you are going to enter a different group when you leave the physical. All that is necessary is the desire: once a soul has a desire to change groups, it can and it will and it does. There are no contracts, and there are no requirements. You are a free being. You get to choose who you want to interact with. Always. In the physical and the non-physical. Release your self and embrace your freedom.

Now, stop worrying about your group and move on to individuals! BE with those who make you feel good. Discard the rest.


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