Friday, October 16, 2009

How and why did Astrology come to be?

Dear Eden,

I recently requested a comprehensive and computerized astrological psychological reading. It was amazing. I don’t understand how a computerized reading system like this can be so accurate. It certainly makes me believe that the science of astrology can be very precise and accurate when done by a skilled practitioner. Could Eden shed some light on whether astrology was created by Source to provide these insights. I’m also curious if all of this astrology was created before there were humans wanting an analytical framework for assisting in our free choices and our understanding of ourselves, or whether it evolved through the desires of humans or other analytical beings from other places. I realize we have free choice, but wonder if this is provided for us to use as part of the framework of our choices and the framework for the physical aspects that we came into in our incarnation?

With gratitude and appreciation, S.

Dearest S.,

You come into the world as a physical being with an unlimited connection to your higher self and Source. Over the course of human physical history, man has become more shielded from Source information by the imprints of mass consciousness: Although you are born with full connection, you quickly adjust to the same level of connection as your parents and mass consciousness in general, which means, at this time, that there is not nearly as much communication between your physical consciousness and Source as there should be. You know that you have the “emotional guidance system” of which Abraham speaks, which at least offers some communication. This was created at the same time as physical incarnation. And, so, was astronomy and astrology. The two coexist and evolved together simultaneously. For the universe itself has NOT disconnected itself from source. It's patterning and design is plainly exposed for all to see, to read, to understand, to know. It does not hide from itself. And as IT (the universe) is one with Source, and as YOU one with source, so are you one with it. Which means that your pattern and plans and desires and inclinations are also plainly written there for all to see... if they know how to look.
So, no, humans did not create astrology. It merely IS. The information exists because you and the stars are one, because you and source are one, because source and the stars are one. If you knew how, you could read the same information in the light of the sun, the wind, the plants, the flow of the river, the sound of silence. Anywhere. Everywhere.
The science of astrology, the ability to read the stars, humans re-opened, re-developed, re-activated, that ability because they were dissatisfied with their disconnection from Source. They yearned to reconnect. And so the early pioneers of connectivity developed dream walking, astrology, shamanic techniques, and other “magic.” These were not “new abilities” but rather a reawakening. And there is SO much more, human! Still, with all this progress, you are barely connected as a group. But everyday more are reconnecting, and developing greater understanding of their true selves and potentials.
The newer computer programs that have been developed are accurate in their divinations because they are merely “computing” the data that the universe is putting forth. They are as good or as bad as the astrologers that design them to begin with. If the astrologer who designs a program has deep insight and understanding when reading a conjunction or a planetary position, and records it properly in the computer program, then the program will forever be endowed with the same height of understanding and insight. This is not magic. This is science being used to translate Source information for the human mind.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can I Change Soul Groups?

Dear Eden,

I have connected with many people in my soul group during this lifetime, and they all have positive aspects but they are also all very difficult to get along with as a group. I find them energetically draining lately. I feel like I am no longer vibrationally aligned with their energy -- can I change soul groups? And can I do it now, or must I wait until I "die"?

Love and light,

Dear One,

Yes, your higher self has also determined that it is ready to move into another group that it is more vibrationally aligned with now. While you are incarnated, it is not usual for your soul group to change, as your higher self, or the remainder of your soul, acts as your anchor in the non-physical and if it is to shift too much you can become disengaged and confused. So the actual shift will take place when you "die". However, there is no requirement that you stay bonded with the other incarnations from your soul group in this lifetime. You are connected to a myriad of like-minded soul groups in this lifetime other than your prime one – this is what we call “overlapping” soul groups, where one or more individuals from each group resonate with each other and like to meet in lifetimes, but are not in the same primary group. (For more about overlapping soul groups, see the archives at There are many, many groups that you connect with. You will not feel entirely connected to everyone in an overlapping group, but that is not necessary or even expected.

Please know that your current group is very harmonious energetically, and gets very along well in the non-physical even though none of them get along here on Earth. That is OK. You do not need to keep them together. Groups do not need to connect throughout entire lifetimes or stay together all the time -- meetings between group members merely serve as energetic reminders, or tuneups, if you will. These encounters can help keep one on track energetically.

So yes, you are going to enter a different group when you leave the physical. All that is necessary is the desire: once a soul has a desire to change groups, it can and it will and it does. There are no contracts, and there are no requirements. You are a free being. You get to choose who you want to interact with. Always. In the physical and the non-physical. Release your self and embrace your freedom.

Now, stop worrying about your group and move on to individuals! BE with those who make you feel good. Discard the rest.


Friday, October 9, 2009

Soul Contracts

Dear Eden,

I feel a bit low on energy because I feel like the person I have a soul contract with is not responding or fulfilling their end. Do you have any advice?

Thanks, M.

Dearest M.,

There are no contracts, only possibilities. There are more ways for your life to unfold than could ever be determined by contracts. Your soul came here to create, in joy and in love. It would never have bound itself with contracts or rules beforehand. There are NO limits. Isn't that exciting? Your soul was certainly excited to begin, to be where you are today. Isn't it wonderful?

Relax. Be Patient. Trust. Be joyful and playful. Love, Joy, Excitement. Say it again! LOVE. JOY. EXCITEMENT. If you are not feeling these three things today, then you are not in the flow, you are not connecting to source energy. Do whatever makes you feel these three things, and you will know that you are connected. And you will be well. That is all that matters.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Drama got you down?

Dear Eden,

Thank you so much for being here for us and offering your loving support and guidance.
I have a question about something that i feel many people might feel disoriented about, i know i am..

How can we open up to accepting and integrating the higher frequencies of light and love in times when we are around others who might not be interested in anything but drama and lower frequencies?

Thank you again for your loving help :)

Dearest A.,

There is not a single human on earth that is not interested in improving either their own condition or the condition of others. While this may not always appear in words or deeds that you can personally interpret or asses as such, it is true. Regardless of what frequency one is operating in, one can only aspire consciously to climb to the next higher frequency. Drama and contrast are part of what help create the higher frequencies, by igniting and fueling the desire to improve. While we, Eden, and others like us seem to you to be much higher in frequency that humans because we remain directly connected to Source, we are in fact no more divine than the lowest person or item on your planet. The creative struggles in which so many engage on earth are driving the evolution of your planet, and thus the universe, and thus the evolution of Source itself. How can we not love and accept and honor these beings? How can you not?

At the same time, we understand that you find it difficult to maintain the high vibration you are aspiring to when people and events around you “bring you down.”

The best thing you can do for yourself, for your experience on Earth, and for the benefit of Source, is to be in JOY. So when you are confronted by something you do not agree with or resonate with, do not get upset. Let it go. Just as you would be happiest if no one tried to confine your desires or tell you what to do, so will others best exemplify their own joy if you do not try to make them conform to the reality you are wanting. Be in the world, be of the world, but do not try to make everything in the world just like you. When events around you are unharmonious or upsetting, do whatever you can to reach a place of greater happiness. While you can decrease the frequency of certain unpleasant events in your life by cutting out interactions with certain people or the news, it is when you simply focus on the GOOD things in your life that the bad will wall away on its own.

We hear much talk of “old souls” and “young souls” and the idea that there are those on earth that come from souls that are somehow less divine and less part of Source than others. This is simply not true. All energy, all parts of Source, are equal. No part of the whole is less worthy or divine than another. And so while some pieces may be operating at a lower frequency in their body than others at any given moment, they are as much a part of you as is your own soul. For ALL souls are connected, ONE, and divine. We are all one. Focus not on the deeds and vibrations on single individuals, but on the ever evolving frequency of MASS CONSCIOUSNESS. It is here that you will find the greatest satisfaction, for you will see that it is ever evolving, ever heightening, ever improving and ever growing. It is a thing of pure love, for it is out of pure love that it derives, that you all derive.

Be in Joy. You are blessed. You are One.

Blessings ~ Eden