Monday, January 4, 2010

New Environmental Essence: Super Solstice Eclipse 2010

Check out our website in January for our newest environmental essence, super solstice eclipse 2010. This essence was made out in the snow and ice under the light of the full moon and full lunar eclipse in December 2010 which occurred on the Yule solstice: a rare event that hadn’t happened in over 300 years, and won’t occur again for more than 80 years! It was a supremely powerful celestial event that heralded a massive releasing and banishing of negative enegies, and ushered in the new 2011 creative energies. The essence contains Himalayan and Sea salts, to enhance it’s clearing and protective powers. Use this essence to sanctify new endeavors and end old cycles.
"This Lunar Eclipse will shine a light on our spiritual resources that can be used in building a community of Spirit, and externalize as a new standard of measurement about how our ideas can be used to further our Souls expression. We can see higher and wider truths, and come to both intellectual and philosophical fulfillment as a prelude to entering a wider world of effectiveness.
So like most Lunar Eclipses, this one also ushers in a transitional period of about 5.5 months that will clear things out of our lives, and especially our past (the Moon). The space created can attract circumstances and people through which we can develop skills helping us ascend.” 
- Robert Wilkinson, The Aquarius Papers.

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