Monday, December 14, 2009

Help -- I Can't Hear My Guides!

Dear Eden,
I feel so lost and down. How can I connect to my spirit guides and hear them clearly? I'm trying and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Is it not trusting enough?
Thank you, S.

Dearest S.,

You are not doing anything wrong. It is not that you do not trust enough, but that you are not quite listening. The very fact that you feel lost and down is a very clear indicator that you are not hearing or following your own guidance. If you are feeling down, then you are not in alignment with your true self. If you are sad or angry, your predominant thought pattern is in direct opposition to what your true self and your guides would have you do or feel: which is always, at its root, to BE IN JOY.

Everyone receives messages from their guides in a different manner. Some people hear voices, some people find small visual messages through out the day (omens, or confirmations, such as hawks flying overhead when they have a certain thought, or the wind blowing just a bit harder at a particular moment, or a compelling ad on the TV.) Some people experience physical sensations such as a tap on their hand, or a tickle in their ear. And still others experience things in their gut, or just a simple “knowing”. For all, though, the emotions are a powerful indicator which allow one to see when they are on the right path or not. If you cannot sustain happiness, then you are not on the right path. Period.

And when you are persisting in doing and thinking that which draw you away from your self, that which makes you unhappy and joy-less, then you are distancing yourself from your guides, from your guidance system.

So the first thing we would tell you is to do something that makes you feel better. Do something that makes you smile. And then do it again. And then ask yourself and your guides what you can do to keep that feeling. And do that. And do it again. Everything will be as it will be. Trust your self. Trust your joy.

Blessings, Eden

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