Monday, June 20, 2011

Why does our dog lick himself so much at night? Channeled Advice from Eden

Dear Eden,

My dog licks and licks at the end of the evening when we go to bed, and again when he wakes up in the morning. My spouse and I find it very disruptive to the restful atmosphere we prefer for our sleeping and waking. What on earth is he doing? He doesn't do this the rest of the day, and he doesn't have any fleas or allergies (that we know of).

Thanks and blessings,

Dear sweetness,

Your dog licks at these times of day to clear his auric energy body. He is clearing it at the end of the day so that he can better journey and travel and disconnect from his physical body while he is sleeping. He does the same thing at the end of the day, but to root himself in the physical. If you pay more attention you will see that in the evening he licks all over his body, all the parts he can reach, whereas in the morning he primarily licks his root chakra areas, which are most effectively grounding. If this bothers you an your spouse, you might talk with the dog and ask him to complete his rituals outside of the bedroom, so a bit earlier in the evening and a bit later in the morning. Also, you might take some lessons from your dog, and do a bit of “auric brushing” yourselves!

You are most fortunate and blessed,

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