Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Message for October, 2009

This month will see a continuation of the shifting you have already begun. Most of you will be feeling more relaxed and settled than you were last month. You know that things are changing, and shifting, but you feel much calmer now. You are at peace most of the time. This is a wonderful feeling, is it not. Even in moments of nervousness, fear or sadness, you are feeling an overwhelming sense of calm that dowses your tensions. You wonder where this is coming from, and we tell you it is coming from a greater connection with your own soul, or higher self, and thus to Source Energy. Source knows no fear. Your soul knows there is nothing that can harm it or reduce the validity of its existence. Your true self knows that you are one with all, and that everything you do and feel is a joyous and beautiful extension of the creative energy of Source. That is why you hae come forth onto this planet to exist on a physical level: to Create, and to propagate Joy and Love. You are the best that this universe has to offer, and your physical selves continue to try and judge the best of the best, but there is nothing to judge. Just BE. Be in the flow of your self, of your joy, and BE at peace with all that you are. Every thought you think, every action you begin, feeds the spark of Source, of God, of the world itself. You are all connected, and there should be no judging. Do not fear the perceived distortions and negativity you sometimes see in your physical creations, for as your consciousness grows so does the love and joy on your planet, and all that you wish to experience, you can and will, and all that you do not wish to experience, you do not need to. Do not try to block others from their desired experience, for in doing so you will only bring their experience into your own. Focus on your own desires, your own joy, your own creation. Ask your guides and ALL THAT IS to fulfill your desires. Trust and allow the energy of Source to co-create with your OWN energy, all that you wish and hope for.

Be hopeful. Be Joy-FULL. Be Alive!

You are blessed. You are One. You are Loved.


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