Friday, February 26, 2010
Working with the Fairies
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
A Channeled Message from the Flicker
Beauty is all around us. What does Flicker have to say to all of us today?
Beauty is all around you. Open your heart, your mind, your eyes, and let the beauty of the physical world meld with the joy of Spirit that resides within you, and you will begin to create, create, create as you never have before. Creation for the sake of creation, creation for the joy of all creation, creation for the of being in the flesh and knowing the love of the world and of ALL that IS. Flit, flit, flit. Jump from project to project, creation to creation, never looking back and yet sometimes returning to where you were before. Being in the moment always, of the minute, and knowing that ALL that IS is ALL for YOU.
You are so blessed. You are so loved. Trust. TRUST. TRUST!! Believe that it is all for you, for truly it is. Beloved human, how we yearn for you to know and believe all this. It is the fullest truth of the verse.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Just BE it.

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Breathing in the Garden: A Coughing Cure

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Chickens in the Afterlife

Dearest D.
Your chickens are OK. They do not mourn the loss of their life. They enjoyed being chickens very much, and plan to be chickens again and again. They do not care so much where they are chickens again, though their experience with you has made them decide to be only on farms that allow pastured or free-range chickens from now on. They like being chickens, like laying eggs, like roaming and pecking. They are happy to be chickens now during this time of revolution in the farm industry.
Do not feel badly that they were not locked up, for they were happy in their relaxed atmosphere, and glad to be free so much of the time. They know that few others would have given them so much freedom, and were happy to trade freedom for risk of injury. They have already been reborn this very morning! So do not fret, they are happily cycling through another life where they will be free and joyful, and always in the moments. It was time for you to be chicken-less for a while, to make room in your life further on for more chickens, and more animals.
Blessings, Eden
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A Channeled Message for February 2010

With all the love of ALL that IS ~ Eden
Monday, February 1, 2010
Messages from Eagle

Dearest B.,
Eagle is coming to you this week to remind you to remain centered. Eagle is in your center – your animal of Spirit, the one that connects you Source. Eagle flies above you when you are worrying about things that you should not be worrying about: all has occurred as it should, all will be better than fine. All will be blessedly perfect. Eagle is showing you that you need merely ride the air currents to soar: just hold steady, relax, and let Source carry you to where you need to go.